Wednesday, October 25, 2006
By Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t
Here we go again at that time of year when people begin to experience the blues. Holidays and an upcoming new year are notorious for bringing on the highs and lows of our emotions. If all is going well and smoothly for you, it can still be of help to know that happiness is a habit!
We are what we eat, drink, breathe and THINK! Did you know that our thoughts have such a dramatic hold on the way we view life that the phrase “thoughts are things” has emerged?
Do you ever take the time to really listen to your private thoughts and analyze them? Try it. You may be shocked by the content. Society limits us to not committing crimes, murders in particular, and staying well within our social and legal boundaries. Therefore, where else would a burning desire that is not socially acceptable have to go to reside in…. but in our minds’ thought processes?
The repeated behavior of negative thinking can become a deep-seated habit. This is especially true if we do not periodically scan what and how we are thinking. Television and movies have people critique and review the content for acceptability, so why not have us do some censoring for ourselves?
The idea of reviewing your own thoughts is certainly not new. Before recorded history it may already have been conceived and taken hold of those who were the bright thinkers and creative souls. Yet in our incredibly fast-paced lives, how many can honestly say to themselves that they are truly aware of their thoughts? Just as happy behaviors can be a habit, so can negative and depressed behaviors. If you decide to scan yourself with honesty and objectivity, you will discover a person you never really knew existed. You will either truly like what you see, or find plenty you’d wish to improve upon.
Reprinted with permissions from author, Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t, from The Arizona Networking News