Sunday, October 08, 2006
By Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t
What is a miracle? In simplistic lay terms, a miracle is an event or happening that has no logical or scientific explanation, but… is nevertheless wonderful. Miracles provide unconditional smiles, love and joy, great happiness, and relief from assorted sufferings, but no one can actually explain why it happened.
Some people term the miracles they experience as “acts of God” while others hash them over as their “amazing paranormal phenomena.” No matter how they are described, miracles defy normal Western cultural reasoning.
The first case history in my book “SMILES AND MIRACLES” illustrates a medical miracle without traditional scientific explanation. Micky, (not his name) met us when he interviewed to make my Bengal Leopard Cat website. He confided the following story asking that the branch of military he was serving in not be mentioned. He and a group of other military men were accidentally drenched with “Agent Orange” while ordered to unload huge canisters. No, they did not know at the time what they were unloading. Within six months everyone but Micky had died. He was diagnosed with Stage V spinal/brain cancer in the VA hospital and told to go home and make peace with his life. The condition was further complicated with another cancer.
While being treated at the VA hospital they had done everything traditional medicine can do, including radiation and chemo-therapy. In fact, they so over-radiated him, that he died on the table and had to be resuscitated. Since he was only twenty-six at the time, the doctors did their utmost to bring him back from clinical death. After reviving him, the docs gave Micky the bad news to put his affairs in order, and that there was no more they could do but give pain killers.
Well, Micky did go home to put his affairs into order. He sold everything he owned in order to put a huge amount of cash together for treatment in an alternative Mexican Cancer Clinic. His health insurance would not pay a dime for what they termed “this scam non-traditional clinic.”
On his last legs, in Stage V cancer, the man arrived in horrible shape to undergo non-traditional therapies.
All Micky’s foods were changed to natural and organic types, with proteins removed. They alleged that cancer feeds off protein. Twice daily, guided imagery and laughter became the focus. The subject of death was discussed and diffused so often it became a non-event topic for the participants who had been told by their MD’s they were at death’s door.
People shared their deepest feelings as they felt them, instead of storing up the terrors, even if it was four a.m.
After three months, Micky was asked to return to his VA hospital for testing. The results were that he had experienced a miraculous healing – there was absolutely no trace of cancer. Seven years later Micky lives with residual chronic pain derived from the damage done by his intense radiation and chemotherapy. He married and re-opened the photography business that was sold to fund his original trip to the alternative medical clinic. Here's a very moving comment I am adding to this article. Laura wrote: Norma,
A woman who was in my Voice class at SCC had been diagnosed with Breast Cancer. She did not want to go thru chemotherapy & radiation, either. She went to a clinic in Mexico about which she had heard some reports of great healing.... and went thru their treatment regime. When she returned back to her doctors, there was no sign of the cancer!!!
Normita (Dr. Yanez) wrote: It might have been the same cancer clinic my article discussed, or it could have been another? We're backwards in some arenas of traditional medical modalities because big pharma companies lobby for costly poisons like chemo and radiation to be the sole over-priced way to treat "Cancers." One day, GOD WILLING, history will write that this is barbaric! In the meantime, CANCER is very big business here. Blessed Be Dear Laura. How is the brain tumor coming along? How do you feel?
Thank you for this inspiring comment. ;) Love Ruby *o*
Reprinted with permission by author, Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t
From The Arizona Networking News and “SMILES AND MIRACLES.”
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I am praying for the lady named Laura who left the inspiring comment about the Mexico Cancer Clinic. May the brain tumor vaporize into nothingness and Laura be healed. amen
Bishop S.
Rome, Italy
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Bishop S.
Rome, Italy
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