Thursday, October 19, 2006
A long time ago, when you were quite young, you made the decision to be a giving, generous soul. Now you are older and life-bruised because you have given too much and received too little back in return. If this profile sounds familiar and suits your present state of mind then please read on.
We are all prone to feeling sorry for ourselves at times. This is completely normal. Should it become a feeling that is around more than it is not, then a good healthy life review might do you some real good.
No one owes you a living. Remember that giving is a personal choice and not what is demanded of you…. unless of course a robbery at gunpoint is actually occurring. At no time do you have to “give” if it feels bad or uncomfortable.
Let us begin by taking an honest look at what you enjoy giving versus what you dislike parting with. Are they the same things? Might they be different, and some aspects of your generous nature based in unfounded guilt? Who of your “receivers” genuinely shows appreciation for the bestowed generosity? And lastly, have you ever just given too much and then been viewed as a fool.... a chronic sucker to be taken advantage of? Not everyone is noble or thankful in the way they choose to receive from others. Our present American culture has pushed hard and heavy for “entitlements” and utterly altered our country’s thoughts in this particular area of life.
If you are either the uncomfortable “giver” or “receiver” wondering why it is that your present lifestyle is no longer satisfying basic needs, give yourself a personal gift and spend quality time deciphering why these patterns stopped serving you to bring happiness. If you cannot come to grips with the problem on your own, asking a reputable therapist to intervene may be the next healthy step.
Reprinted with permission of author, Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t ~ from The Arizona Networking News
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Sweet article and it is right on target for me. I feel like I do give too much and receive too little in return. Guess it is time for me to do your suggestion of a life review, Dr. Yanez. Wish you were in my home state.
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