Wednesday, November 22, 2006



When was the last time you asked yourself if you are having enough fun in your life? Many people live and die working themselves into a boring rut routine. It’s like a horse wearing blinders to exist this way. They find their life dragging by day after day with no enthusiasm, joys, anticipation, or FUN! “Fun” is a seriously important component of your mental well-being. Your mental well-being is an integral component of your physical well-being. Of course, your mind and body are interconnected. They work in tandem to create good health. Did you think differently?

For some, fun is to visit a distant and exotic land and vacation. Others may consider playing ball or a board game with their grandchild, sheer happiness. Reading a fabulous book, having a professional massage, and meditation are other ways people tell me they enjoy life. One of my own personal favorites, and it costs nothing… is to look at stunning natural vistas. I can absorb the energy near a volcano or become one with a huge boulder at will. Anything that gives you a rich lasting smile, or is comforting and soothing, will also be fun.
Please take the time and thought to create more joy in your daily lives. It will enrich you… and all that you love.
Reprinted with permission of author, Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t ~ from
The Arizona Networking News

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