Saturday, November 04, 2006



How would you like to feel and look younger through your own efforts? Guided imagery, hypnosis, and good old common sense can play
a vital positive role in bringing about an improvement and transformation for your youthfulness. This works for your mind and body.

The way it all got started for me was with Mr. and Mrs. Young coming in for some life-counseling sessions. One of the first things I ask my patients is: "What would you like to see accomplished by our meetings?" Both parties claimed they were really bored with life. I saw before me two wealthy, middle-aged people who had reached a point in their lives where very little seemed to interest them. Oh yes, they were bored.

At first we were not sure as to how to proceed. Then I tried using youthful anticipation thoughts in their guided imagery and hypnosis as if they were once again light-hearted unjaded children. One of the fun things that apparently got lost along the way to middle-age and their wealth was "ANTICIPATION." They had lived full lives, been there, done that, and even patented all the tee-shirts. Their zest for life had waned.

We began play-acting as if they were kids. Looking at life through the eyes of a child is a very enlightening experience for me. It was for them as well. Although their counseling sessions were rather similar in nature, each one came at separate times so they could evolve individually and not cramp each other's advancements. A substantial amount of laughter was incorporated into the therapy. One interesting thing I noticed was that after about three weeks, they both seemed to look younger in their appearance. Boredom takes a toll from your happiness, which can affect how you appear. Adding the enhanced aspect of child-like anticipation was a keynote in helping Mr. and Mrs. Young smile. Smiling helps people look younger and content. Tension leaves the face and the body stance when one sincerely smiles. Try it! See what I mean? This simple, creative tool, individually planned for each of them, brought a lovely improvement to their appearance. We've stayed in touch and around ten years later, they both went for cosmetic surgery. I really enjoyed these two characters.
Reprinted with permission of author, Dr. InaNorma Yanez, CH.t~from The Arizona Networking News

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