Sunday, July 01, 2007
Addicted to Wars
Excerpted from my book, HECHO EN CHINA
In light of the increase in terrorisms and those of my friends who believe in end times, I am writing this little tome...............
Our foolish species is always inviting another end times. Fear mongers, cruel dictators, and insane MAN-made controlling religions see to it that the brain-washed zombies do what the hierarchy teaches and commands. We may yet have to go back to a life sans organized religions and simply worship "Universal GOD" as we used to do when we were struggling, lean, hungry hunter gatherers!
This will not have been the first or the last so-called end-times to come. Why MAN keeps believing he is superior to universal wisdom, and can sadistically hurt/murder/and cause mass extinctions for our exquisite living planet and to all the furries........... is a testimonial to the idiocy of this particular species. Who knows, the cockroach may develop an opposing thumb and larger brain next, since they can resist radiation.
YES, God Goddess, Universal Mind, Eternal Boss........ or whatever it is that runs the entire cast of characters and this infinite broadway show we are performing in.... is in charge. Our free will is not working, AGAIN!!!! We are merely little pimples in eternity. As the human stupidity evolves to show how MAN cannot live w/o the addictive cruelty, wars and genocides, we once again face being wiped out.
Do I believe it is the end? No. Do I believe we are courting near extinction? YES! My cats are far more intelligent than what is in office governing our globe. I may put this on Norma's Ark Blog.
Love you. Be safe. Be well. Your gal pal in Gorgeous Scottsdale, Arizona.
Love and blessings to us all. ~ Normita *o*
This personal letter was originally written to friends who believe in the end times. It has since become part of my book entited, HECHO EN CHINA.
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We have traveled the world over and are involved in politics.
Dr. Yanez' article entitled "Addicted To Wars" says a tremendous truth about the history of MAN! Thank you. Gerry
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Dr. Yanez' article entitled "Addicted To Wars" says a tremendous truth about the history of MAN! Thank you. Gerry
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