Saturday, June 21, 2008



Dear and Remarkably Intelligent Readers,

Before we had individual countries, we were hunter gatherers in small tribal clan numbers. Warfare was far less with a smaller population of stupid violent humans on the planet. Once we became sedentary agricultural town dwellers and had to protect our resources, we became far more violent with each other. There are = too many people… mostly dominated by testosterone-itis, and too few of the rapidly mass-extinction disappearing species now. Perhaps one day, God Almighty will tire of this current human experiment and blow the eraser of eternity on us to begin all over again with the cockroach! It will develop a larger brain, an opposing thumb, and giggle when they see our dried up fossils in a museum. Hehehehehe... And perhaps that is what we humans are actually earning right now with the endless escalating wars, genocides, exterminations, ethnic cleansings, and moronic destruction of our only home and habitat called = “MOTHER EARTH!” Think on this a bit and reply please?
Anonymous said...
YIKES! Boy did you hit it on the nose with this article, Dr. Yanez. We live in another country than America. It is so violent here that I fear for my life. anon
10:24 AM

YIKES! Boy did you hit it on the nose with this article, Dr. Yanez.
We live in another country than America. It is so violent here that I fear for my life.
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