Monday, March 02, 2009



Once upon a time there was a wonderful country named "THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA." Of course it was not perfect, but many people had it better here than in other lands. We had a valued currency backed up by gold. We had a Constitution of good laws. Our products were considered some of the best made in the world.

We opened our doors to allow people from every country to come in. They came in droves, worked, and many prospered into an admired MIDDLE CLASS.
And America also had a very high standard of living, medical care, low infant mortality, as well as superb education. Then something began to happen. At first it seemed minute. Then it grew faster and faster until suddenly, there was no more gold backing of US currency. Then our education began to slip so that we catered to the lowest common denominator in public classrooms. We began to permit slime and corruption to grow both internally as well as invited it into our country from other lands. Finally, we became a country of pollution in mind, body, spirit, and moral/ethical values. Crooks became our rulers. Wars became our normal. Greed and gluttony became acceptable behaviors.

Inferior products that poisoned us and our pets became perfectly o.k. to import. We no longer are self-sufficient for food and manufacturing. We even gave away American jobs to people in other lands to create more and more unemployment. Our debts are growing astronomically and exponentially as we speak.

We no longer produce too many great products saying “MADE IN AMERICA!” How often in our historical records have we seen truly great countries lasting very long periods? We had a very short time to glow in our brief-lived-stardom…. as have Ancient Egypt, China, Rome, and others.
Have we diluted ourselves past the point of no return? Do you want to see America rebound? Are your children’s children to become economic slaves to a country gone wild and out of control? In the end, no country lasts forever.
Look into your future and tell us what you see coming?
Anonymous said...
Boy! That took courage to write.Very few tax-payers really saw this nightmare coming. I did. You did. Anon in America
4:59 PM

Anonymous said...
Don't worry. Be happy. Nothing lasts forever! I am nearly 80. Nothing lasts forever.
Anon in Hawaii
11:20 AM

Boy! That took courage to write.
Very few tax-payers really saw this nightmare coming. I did. You did.
Anon in America
Don't worry. Be happy. Nothing lasts forever! I am nearly 80. Nothing lasts forever.
Anon in Hawaii
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