Monday, March 09, 2009



Hi to you all who read Norma's Ark blog. I wish to comment on these two comments that pertain to my last posted blog. Please read them and then I shall continue.

Anonymous said...Boy! That took courage to write. Very few tax-payers really saw this nightmare coming.
I did. You did. Anon in America 4:59 PM

Anonymous said... Don't worry. Be happy. Nothing lasts forever! I am nearly 80. Nothing lasts forever. Anon in Hawaii 11:20 AM

Oh yes, it really does take courage to write these blogs. Sometimes people send me comments that would curl your nose-hairs. But I write them anyway because I still believe in free speech in our country. Very few people, tax-payers or not, saw this nightmare economy coming. Yes,
I really did see it coming, and am agreement with you "ANON In America."

For my "Don't Worry Be Happy" commentator..... Again, you are absolutely correct. "Nothing lasts forever." Perhaps your life in Hawaii is not touched by what is going on in Mainland America? Trust me, it really is something to worry about. People are becoming homeless. Many can no longer think of ever retiring......
I mean those who still have paid employment.
A bad economy breeds more crimes. A bad economy causes great suffering to those who are affected negatively.
For example: No health insurance, giving up beloved pets because you cannot even feed yourself.... having to pull children out of college.... not being able to see a dentist.... depression because after you diligently seek employment, you are up against hundreds or even thousands for one job.
And what about the dramatic rise in homelessness? Many are children. I like that you wrote "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY." It may wake up a few of my readers.
Blest Be. Ruby aka Dr. InaNorma Yanez, Ch.t

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