Friday, June 19, 2009



Ruby changed some of the text to include my precious guy pals. ;))))

Dear God(dess),

The purrrrrson reading this is beautiful, classy, strong and I love her/him.....Help them to live life to the fullest. Please promote them and cause them to excel above all expectations. Help them to shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love. Protect them at all times by lifting them up when they need You the most. Let them know when he/she walks with You. amen amen amen
Comment from The Vatican
D. wrote:
This is beautiful Dr. Yanez. Thank you for sending your revised prayer all over the globe. :)
In a perfect world we should pray more and war less. amen

Comment from The Vatican

D. wrote:

This is beautiful Dr. Yanez. Thank you for sending your revised prayer all over the globe. :)
In a perfect world we should pray more and war less. amen
I am an atheist. Why should I bother to pray? Anon
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