Sunday, November 08, 2009


MAKE BELIEVE (Another Reality)

Why is it that it is o.k. for young children to make believe? Yet when we are teenagers, it is already not a good thing? Happiness is tied to how we view events in our lives. A young child who is pretending or making believe he/she is speaking to fairies and angels is not viewed as crazy. Yet get a bit older and the same behavior in our society is viewed as having lost one's mind.

I just don't get it. Rose tinted glasses can help many an adult to survive and prosper in a world of harsh realities. We all know people who always seem to see the glass half full. Yet, when the glass is half empty and losing its contents rapidly, we adults frequently hide from the truth and make believe until a disaster occurs from having ignored the losses.

Which way is correct? Which way can lead us to happier lives? From years of working with foreign populations, it seems like varying cultures treat reality differently. Some cultures have parties on a regular basis at the drop of a hat. Some are so light in spirit they live longer lives. Others are downtrodden victims as a daily way of life. We have societies that work until they drop from being competitive. Then others believe in manana time and daily siestas. Who are you? What makes you happiest? Is your glass half full or half empty?

I make believe all the time when doing visual meditations and imaging things into my life. I think young children have it right and we adults have become much too somber. Phil in Atlanta
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