Wednesday, August 04, 2010


Let Us Pray

Whatever your religion is, LET US PRAY!
Whatever your color is, LET US PRAY!
Whatever your country is, LET US PRAY!
The entire world is pushing many envelopes with one another. We face what easily could become a devastating world war. I ask you all to join with me now to pray for lasting wisdom, right thinking, and to remember our ignoble past history of wars.
No, I am not a pacifist, nor am I a war-monger. I am a gal who remembers far too many wars. Who won? Who lost? We all may have lost. But win? Are there really winners when one side destroys the other side? Peace? Is that something that cannot last? Apparently at this time, far too many believe it cannot last. We have not evolved yet to know how to maintain long-lasting peace and harmony, or we would be enjoying it right now. So again I ask....
Whatever your religion is, LET US PRAY!
Whatever your color is, LET US PRAY!
Whatever your country is, LET US PRAY!
Thank you Val for allowing me to use this picture.
Love from Ruby *o*
Comment: OMG, how profound and timely! But, will the out of control world leaders listen?
anon - Somewhere in The Middle East

So awesome
Thank you!!!
Your blog is awesome!

Peace, love, & Blessings
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