Sunday, July 31, 2011



Hi MY Dear Beloved GOD,
It’s me again, RubyNorma. We are becoming older and things are getting more and more challenging here. Gas prices are too high, almost no jobs to speak of, and food and heating/cooling costs are way too high. I know some brainwashed and spiritually devoid, utter fools have taken you out of our schools, government and even Christmas and Chanukah etc..., but Dear God......... I'm asking you to
re-bless America. Re-bless all the innocents in harm's way and that includes animals, sea life, the water-ways of our globe, and our ecology.... We really need You! There are far more of us who want You, than those who don't! And please please please.... STOP all Terrorists, no matter where and who they are. YOU know who they are. Thank YOU for helping us. amen


Comments: = This is beyond Great!!!!!! Anon in CA

We just love this one RubyNorma. Anon in NYC

You have outdone yourself Dr. Yanez. Anon in Florida

We want more like this one. Thank you so much. anon in LA

You go Ruby. This is some of your best stuff! Anon in San Diego

Let's have more God. Anon in Utah

We are praying for God to help America and the rest of our troubled globe. Anon in India

Sweet prayers you just wrote. May they come true. amen Anon in Norway

This prayer says plenty of wisdoms. More people around the world should be praying now. Anon in Lake Tahoe

Having read this prayer I want to repeat it to my family. Anon in Mexico City

You wrote what we feel. Thank you. Anon in Canada

Can you write more prayers? We surely need them! Anon in Israel

Comments: = This is beyond Great!!!!!! Anon in CA

We just love this one RubyNorma. Anon in NYC

You have outdone yourself Dr. Yanez. Anon in Florida

We want more like this one. Thank you so much. anon in LA

You go Ruby. This is some of your best stuff! Anon in San Diego

Let's have more God. Anon in Utah

We are praying for God to help America and the rest of our troubled globe. Anon in India

Sweet prayers you just wrote. May they come true. amen Anon in Norway

This prayer says plenty of wisdoms. More people around the world should be praying now. Anon in Lake Tahoe

Having read this prayer I want to repeat it to my family. Anon in Mexico City

You wrote what we feel. Thank you. Anon in Canada

Can you write more prayers? We surely need them! Anon in Israel
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