Thursday, December 20, 2012
This is dedicated to all our children and grandchildren who deserve far better than what is being left to them by astronomical debts. No one seems to learn the lessons from history, therefore, repeating the horrific lessons is our fate. As you all know by now, America is in catastrophic debt. It is a bi-partisan debacle. The last time any president had some financial wisdom was back in the Clinton era. I do not know what my children and grandchild will owe by the time they are paying off the inconceivable debts American greed, stupidity, and wastefulness have wrought upon our once solvent and totally independent nation. As I write, the numbers keep growing exponentially! Kicking the can down the road has become the acceptable American way to deal with all sorts of things. It is not just our economy. It deals with everything that the far too Big, and out of control government touches. Our government has been failing our children and grandchildren for many many years, and now it would take an act of GOD to fix the mess. Do you wonder why no one can trust our government anymore, save the truly uninformed or naive Sheeple?
Therefore I will say this heartfelt prayer, and for those who are atheists, my wishful thinking.
Who and What Ever is in charge of running and ruling countries, please please please... could YOU in your eternal wisdom, bring to a happy and perfect closure the insanity of all governments that destroy, wreak havoc by warfare, and all etceteras that YOU Deem Important?
Thank YOU in advance for your Mercy on a species gone wild and out of control. amen
Lovingly, Respectfully, and Most Humbly,
RubyNorma *o*
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Some of us can still read history and learn. I agree that America is in dire straits in many areas. It is a lack of spiritual, familial, and other factors that have cut away a value system that really did once succeed. Being in astronomical debt is a symptom of many ills in America. Omar in PR
AMEN to what you just wrote, Dr. Yanez. America has made the choices to follow Socialism and this will lead us to ruin, just like it has in Europe. Maya and Family in Arizona, Hard working Mexican Americans
Oh what gorgeous babies. Yes, you are telling us the truth. My family came here from South Africa. We all work hard and pay our taxes. Sadly, what the money is used for these days is not worth the effort anymore. I do not care what color the president is. We want the government to stop wasting our hard-earned money.
Malia and Family now in sunny California
Malia and Family now in sunny California
What happens to America when it become a real drag to be one of the few still paying taxes?
LaTisha in Nebraska
LaTisha in Nebraska
And what happens if a country like China should decide to pull in what we owe them? No one has been thinking very clearly and, just like we can't continue to run a household on credit, what makes our government think they can? ANON in SW America
What kind of governing politicians do this to a country? No country in the history of MAN can survive the way we are currently being governed. We cannot afford the failed, chronic wars. We cannot afford the wasted billions and even trillions. We cannot afford to borrow because we will not be able to survive this growing debt crisis. So why then is America continuing to borrow such astronomical sums? One day the bankrupted house of cards will crumble like it has been doing in Europe.
Baffled in Seattle
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