Thursday, June 12, 2014



What do you remember that makes you feel happy?  Dwell on that.  What do you remember that makes you sad and/or angry?  Do NOT dwell on that.  Sounds simple enough?  No, not really.  Taking charge of our thoughts is quite a big emotional and spiritual endeavor.  For sure,
I am still working on this and want to share what I have learned from a long lifetime.   Photos for we visual types really are important.  So are sounds like music or laughter.  Here are some photos that can fit onto my blog.  They make me so happy. :-) No, they aren't in any special order. Yet, just looking at them is enough to bring smiles to my heart. Each one is a personal memory of pure enjoyment. Thanks for sharing in my reverie. :-) 


Oh Boy do I remember Rego Park, NY and Alexander's Department Store. Thanks for the memories.
A long ago pal of yours.
That looks like you sitting next to Satchmo. ANON in NJ
I love your pictures. BK
xxx Roni

Hi Ruby,
Thank you for sending me your blog.
I always enjoy reading them.
Lots of Love and blessings.
Nick in Australia.

Beautiful. Elenita in MD
Combining Yiddish and English is how we grew up. love it.
Shaina and Family, in NYC
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