Saturday, July 12, 2014



How dare you, America!!!!  You who began as a small group of people seeking religious freedoms... who couldn't stand to be taxed without representation.  You who began a new country with the horrors of inhumane slavery. You who stole lands from the indigenous people who were here eons long before you.  You who fought a horrendous civil war with so many bloody casualties.  You who have permitted corruption to reign supreme in Congress and some of your presidencies.  You who, up to and including today, fight a majority of greed-based, useless and lost wars, sacrificing our precious blood and borrowed, un-payable fortunes until we are the world's biggest debtor.  You who pretend we still have religious freedom when it is only those in political favor who are the current cancerous politically correct religion that can do what they wish, when and wherever they please.
You who have American starving, homeless children who are not cared for while our borders are being overrun and  invaded without government closing these very same borders to terrorists, gang members, gravely ill people and allowing them free to roam in America.  You, America, are failing me, my fellow legal citizens, and the many others who used to look up to you as a powerful leader. 
An empire or country without protected borders is no longer a sovereign country!  And isn't this precisely what your enemies, here, and outside of America, always wanted to happen to YOU?  No one, not human or corrupted governments, escape THE LAW OF KARMA. 

Truer words were never spoken.
Dusty R.
You took the words our of my mouth, Dr. Yanez. What a time for we older people to be witnessing in America. The decline is so rapid it seems planned. ANON
Well you can't fix stupid. But you can jail the corrupt!! Eric
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