Monday, September 29, 2014
We are witnessing extraordinary times in human history.
We could actually wipe ourselves off the face of the earth with acquired weaponry and technology.
In the name of an assortment of GODS, IDEOLOGIES, MAN destroys, plunders, rapes, enslaves, steals to appease no GODS. It is actually, about taught raging, greed, lust, avarice, sadism, criminality and anything else you wish to add into this comment. When, if ever, was a truly just war fought?
The phony call to war in the name of GODS is a farce!!!
When will the sacrifices of all the earthly deaths, bodily destruction, financial and emotional costs, be fairly repaid? Are the exponential wars worth the precious, but expendable blood that benefits only the very few who are in global power? Is this chronically at war world ruled by one fanatical-ego-maniac after another? Let me know your feelings about never-ending warfare?
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People are Sheeple. They do whatever their reptilian government(s) tell them to do. Hence: Wars are eternal for the rewards they give to the few evil ones who control all the power.
Delila in AZ
Delila in AZ
Whenever a government chooses to go to war, the people almost always follow like cows. Free and careful thought are rare! And when it surfaces, it is usually suffocated by those who control the power..
R. Tzu in NYC
R. Tzu in NYC
U R Correct. It is a very sad commentary on how dumb people follow their governments with blind and naive behaviors.
And so it has been since the beginning of all governments, religions, and any other kind of mind control. F in South America
And so it has been since the beginning of all governments, religions, and any other kind of mind control. F in South America
Why are people so stupid to have wars in the first place? No one really wins. Well perhaps a few of the instigators? Yet the human species is not able, willing, or capable of understanding this since its archaic beginnings. I must surmise that MAN is not as smart as MAN keeps saying he is.
Lilia H. Miami, Florida, USA
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Lilia H. Miami, Florida, USA
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