Friday, February 20, 2015




Dear Readers,
We come to EARTH as an innocent child.  Some of us leave as innocent children!  :-)
I did an MA in Comparative Religions.  It took four years plus summers (plus whatever I gleaned in a long lifetime of studies)… and when I entered the program it was to see the honesty, not just the lies. OY!  And yes, Yours Truly even went into the Afro/Cubano Santeria, The Ancient Egyptian Religion,  and Ancient Aztecs, as well as major world religions.  For the most part, their original tenets, are somehow altered by MAN to suit whomever was in charge at the time.  On occasion, and this even goes for Buddhism, Paganism, Spiritualism,  etc….the original teachings do not remain totally intact.  There are a gazillion reasons.  First we have MAN’s interpretations.  Then we have linguistic altering either intentionally or by error.  And then we have those who will bastardize whatever they touch in order to take control of peoples’ minds, money, property, and behaviors…  The political aspects that go to bed with many religions (Theocracy) are also to be considered.  As well are individual cultural behaviors, so that depending upon country, a religion is altered to suit that particular culture, country, language……...

My faith in Eternal GOD has never changed.  In fact, the study made it even stronger.  So today, my humble religion is:

Labeled religions all have the good and the not so good.  When the not so good takes over, eventually MAN/WOMAN resists, and even if it takes millennia, eventually the evil will fade.  But, I do not have forever in this material body, so I pray to GOD for MAN to glean more true spiritual wisdoms before MAN wipes out human life.  For sure the years spent in fervent animal rescue work that I cherish, have shown me that MAN is all too often horrendously cruel to animals, humans, the ecology, and that mind controlling is a very big part of religions and politics.
Blest Be. Dr. RubyNorma Yanez, CH.t *o*
Please be civil in your comments when disagreeing, or... It cannot be printed for the public to read.

Dedicated to all who have been massacred in the name(s) of god(s)!!!

Our family believes as you do. ANON in Alaska
This is mind-blowing. I love it and will re-read to absorb the content deeply. Many thanks. ANON
Well there you have it. The Eternal Creator of the universe stands inscrutable, the only God, the same yesterday, today and forever. And his Son, Jesus Christ--authors of a great Plan. No getting around it.
Great, Ruby.
Kute in Tucson
Hi Ruby,
This looks like it has summed it all up in this blog.
Thanks for that.
Lots of Love and blessings.
Nick in Australia.

Totally agree :) Nanci G.
Dear Dr. Ruby, as very often, you are very close to my thoughts.
Thank you. People ask me and I say I am a Deist. They say what? and I tell them a Supreme Being the GOD, regardless of what you call him/her. I believe the Native Americans with their Great White God and the Wicken/Druids with Mother Earth Father Sky.
Sandra B. in Mexico
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