Wednesday, February 18, 2015
What do you believe? If you have a religion, should it be the only one? Are other peoples' religions valid to you? If people do not believe as you do, does it give you the right to slaughter them in a sadistic and barbaric manner?
These are concepts that have been pondered and fought over by many in the history of MAN! CAN HUMANITY INDULGE THOSE WHO WOULD RULE THE WORLD? There have been more wars and innocent deaths than anyone knows about. The suffering is an abomination. Yet, human savagery continues. If it is not the Nazis, it is what you see at this moment in time. If it isn't religion, then it is politics, or some other grotesque reason given by those who would conquer and rule the world.. Is there no end for MAN's never-stopping-chronic-wars, rapes, massacres?
In My Humble Opinion, for MAN to believe that he/she is superior to all other animals, and that MAN should rule/destroy/plunder/rape etc... this is a genetic flaw in the species! How can such a violent life-form continue to thrive if it has a partial insanity that is built into its genetic coding called "WAR!" How can any species survive if it allows the level of cruelty, savagery, destruction, genocides, etc. that we are witnessing over and over again? Surely there is some kind of UNIVERSAL GOVERNOR that will ultimately check this horrific behavior!
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Yes yes
yes!!!!! I believe that Jesus will come again and that God and Good
will triumph!! the only way I can get through these awful days is to
cling as closely to Him as I possibly can. He gave us free will but
"all things work for the good of those who love Him" even in death.
Fiona in Britain xx
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yes!!!!! I believe that Jesus will come again and that God and Good
will triumph!! the only way I can get through these awful days is to
cling as closely to Him as I possibly can. He gave us free will but
"all things work for the good of those who love Him" even in death.
Fiona in Britain xx
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