Sunday, October 25, 2015


A Flicker of Life

The miracle of life is so brief down here on this earthly plane.  It is a flicker in eternity.  We are given the opportunity to love, share, communicate and grow.  When our time is up and the flicker is blown out of us, we mourn.  Some religions speak of eternal life.  Some people say we only come around once. Truly, it is a puzzlement. 
I believe the spirit/soul (whichever you prefer), lives on in an altered energy state… and we must keep evolving in other dimensions.  How do you feel on that vital subject?  As some of you already know, I am mediumistic.  Have been this way since babyhood.  It is my normal. For the life of me I do not know why this precious gift was bestowed?  My mother and aunt had it too.
At one time when much younger, it drove me batty.  But now I’ve come to realize that speaking with loved ones in Rainbow is as simple as doing it.  No need to belabor, just do it!!! Those who adore us still watch and pray.  They continue to care. Surely, you've had a sensation of them being near at one time or another.  The veil between us is thin and permeable.  Please share your experiences in this spiritual realm and let us know what your beliefs are?  Thank you. 
Dr. RubyNorma *o*

My parents died in an auto accident many years ago. They still watch over me and I can feel them too. BB
I do believe of eternal life in heaven and somehow our family before watch over us like angels. I can feel them in time of crisis but then I wonder if it is my need for them that surfaces. E in Texas
Thank you. I love that doggie at the end. V in NYC
a wonderful reminder...."just do it!" - someone at NIKE agreed. eh?
My mother in law keeps talking about seeing Betty in her dreams....and then she tells me she misses and loves Betty. They were very fond of each other on the earthly plane, but, not to the point that my mother in law is conveying to us now. Interesting...
I am glad you reminded me of this! SP

Dear RubyNorma,

We do believe in eternal life, based on the Bible passages... Jim
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