Tuesday, August 30, 2016
Dedicated to all we have loved, here and in spirit. *o*
Can you recall the last hug with loved ones before they were called by GOD?
Every hug is a priceless treasure. Once we enter that stage where we become old or feeble, the time draws nearer to move to the next spiritual zip code. This is a life learning that usually doesn't bless the younger set. For sure, I am no longer in that category. Viewing my loved ones now while they are still in body, is a treat. Do I take anyone or anything for granted? Noooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!
For those of you reading this I send you a hug. For those of you in spirit, can you feel me embracing you? Of course you can.
Never, when you have visited and shown me your love, have
I doubted that life continues. amen