Thursday, March 31, 2016
Because of the chronic radical terrorist savagery we see, I am choosing to repost this blog about GOD!!!!
Dr. RubyNorma Yanez, CH.t
Dr. RubyNorma Yanez, CH.t
Do you believe in GOD? What is GOD?
Many of the world's religions describe GOD as "INSCRUTABLE.” How do you describe GOD? Please comment and tell us your beliefs? Are you able to say GOD is also GODDESS? Is GOD nature? Do you actually feel GOD? Do you have religious experiences? Have you witnessed miraculous events worth telling us about?
Are your beliefs the only ones that are the right ones, or do you accept that people have other faiths than yours?
Thank you in advance of your comments. They will be added onto this blog for the public to see.
# posted by Dr. RubyNorma Yanez, CH.t @ 2:30 PM
This is an especially interesting comment...
Anonymous said...
And yet, some are so brave and charitable.
An Avid Reader in Europe
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Thank you Dr. Yanez for reposting this blog! YES, I do have religious experiences. For me, GOD Goddess is everything that exists. I am pagan, believe in an Almighty Power, and cannot fathom why MAN is so violent a creature.
And yet, some are so brave and charitable.
An Avid Reader in Europe
And yet, some are so brave and charitable.
An Avid Reader in Europe
Very nice blog. And so timely considering that GOD is systematically being removed from America by horrendous career elected leaders. I have witnessed God's miraculous interventions with dying people and animals.
Dr. R. NYC
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